Life in Transition Survey IV: Household resilience in a turbulent world

Analytical chapters on intergenerational mobility, support for the green transition and job market informality using data from the latest wave of the EBRD-World Bank Life in Transition Survey (w/ Zsoka Koczan)


Promoting structural change (EBRD Transition Report 2024-25, Chapter 2)

Structural transformation and (services) export-led growth (w/ Anton Grahed, Helena Schweiger, and Beata Javorcik)


Place-based industrial policies (EBRD Transition Report 2024-25, Chapter 3)

Regional inequality and urban-rural disparities in the EBRD regions (w/ Cevat Aksoy, Francesco Loiacono, Ege Ondes, and Xuanyi Wang)


Gender gaps in the labor market impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Policy brief exploring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on gender gaps in labor market outcomes (w/ Claudia Hupkau)