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This function downloads and loads GADM-DOSE geometries from a remote source. The geometries are stored in a temporary directory by default, or in a user-specified location if provided. The uncompressed geometries file is approximately 769 MB.


getDOSE_geom(path = NULL, countries = NULL, download = FALSE)



Optional character string specifying where to store the files. If NULL (default), uses tempdir().


Optional vector of ISO3C country codes to filter geometries. If NULL (default), all available geometries are returned.


Logical indicating whether to download without confirmation. Default is FALSE, which will prompt for confirmation in interactive sessions. Set to TRUE to skip confirmation.


An sf object containing the GADM-DOSE geometries


# \donttest{
# Load all geometries with download confirmation
geom_all <- getDOSE_geom()
#> The GADM-DOSE geometries file is approximately 769 MB when uncompressed.
#> Downloading GADM-DOSE geometries...
#> Download successful using curl
#> Extracting files...
#> Geometries saved in /tmp/RtmppXOhEk

# Load geometries with automatic download
geom_auto <- getDOSE_geom(download = TRUE)
#> Geometries saved in /tmp/RtmppXOhEk

# Load geometries for specific countries
geom_subset <- getDOSE_geom(
  countries = c("USA", "CAN", "MEX"),
  download = TRUE
#> Geometries saved in /tmp/RtmppXOhEk
# }