WHED Dataset
This dataset contains institution-level information on higher education institutions around the world.
A data frame with 21165 rows and 15 variables:
- name
Name of the institution
- url
Website URL of the institution
- country
Country where the institution is located
- id
Unique identifier for the institution
- city
City where the institution is located
- name_detail
Detailed name of the institution
- funding_type
Type of funding for the institution (e.g., public, private)
- languages
Languages used at the institution
- accrediting_agency
Accrediting agency for the institution
- year_founded
Year the institution was founded
- academic_year
Academic year details
- degree_name
List column containing names of degrees
- degree_fields_study
List column containing fields of study for degrees
- division_name
List column containing names of divisions
- division_fields_study
List column containing fields of study in divisions
Source of the data: https://whed.net/home.php