Downloads and extracts compressed census data files from the ineAtlas data repository, providing access to detailed demographic, socioeconomic and housing indicators at different geographic levels from the 2021 Population and Housing Census.
get_census(level, cache = TRUE, cache_dir = tempdir())
- level
Character string specifying the geographic level. Must be one of: "municipality", "district", or "tract"
- cache
Logical indicating whether to cache the extracted data. Default is TRUE. Cached data is stored uncompressed for faster access.
- cache_dir
Character string specifying the cache directory. Default is tempdir().
A tibble containing the requested census data at the specified geographic level. The data includes demographic, socioeconomic and housing indicators from the 2021 Population and Housing Census. The data is automatically extracted from compressed files and cached locally if requested.
Data files are stored compressed on the repository to reduce size and download times. The function handles decompression automatically. Census data is only available for 2021.
# \donttest{
# Get municipality level census data
mun_data <- get_census("municipality")
#> Downloading data from
#> Caching data to ineatlas_census_2021_municipality.csv
#> Data successfully loaded: 8131 rows, 39 columns
# Get district level census data without caching
dist_data <- get_census("district", cache = FALSE)
#> Downloading data from
#> Data successfully loaded: 10479 rows, 40 columns
# Get census tract level data
tract_data <- get_census("tract")
#> Downloading data from
#> Caching data to ineatlas_census_2021_tract.csv
#> Data successfully loaded: 36333 rows, 41 columns
# }