Downloads and extracts census tract boundary files from the ineAtlas repository, returning an sf object with the geometries for the specified year.
get_tract_geom(year, cache = TRUE, cache_dir = tempdir())
An sf object containing census tract boundaries with the following columns:
year: The reference year
tract_code: Census tract identifier
municipality: Municipality name
province: Province name
geometry: Census tract boundary geometry
# \donttest{
# Get census tract boundaries for 2020
tracts_2020 <- get_tract_geom(2020)
#> Downloading geometries for 2020...
#> Caching geometries to ineatlas_tracts_2020.gpkg
#> Geometries successfully loaded: 36309 features
# Get boundaries without caching
tracts_2019 <- get_tract_geom(2019, cache = FALSE)
#> Downloading geometries for 2019...
#> Geometries successfully loaded: 36317 features
# }